I basically want to do exactly this:
swig: how to pass void* into generic function
I seem to be able to get a value that Python can hold, but when I pass it back in, it is deemed null and causes a fail. So I'm thinking I need some kind of PyObject conversion. I don't know why void pointers should be so hard to handle.
(I'm actually working with HMODULE, but I think if I can get void pointers to work, I can get them to work as well.
Basically, I just want to:
>>hmod = example.load_module("fooModName")
>>example.run_module(hmod, par1, par2)
How do I define the input and output typemaps such that these two calls can be supported?
I am trying to work with HMODULE (defined in Windows.h , eventually as a void pointer)
HMODULE load_library(char *pathDLL);
int get_api(HMODULE dll); // loads/updates api
I have figured out my actual problem.
My routines when wrapped would be:
>>ModuleName = example.find_module_name("lookDir")
>>HModule = example.load_module(ModuleName)
The problem is that the returned name is a char string (char *) but the LoadLibrary() MSDN routine needs a LPCWSTR. I can readily convert the string within the routine, but that breaks it for other use, so I'd really like to convert the string within an input wrapper.
I think the solution is a typemap of some sort.
I am trying this:
%typemap(in) char* inpathDLL {
static wchar_t LpathDLL[2048];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, $input, -1, LpathDLL, 2048);
$1 = LpathDLL;
This is failing. It seems to thing the input is a python string object, so I somehow have to get it to convert it to a char * before applying the next conversion.
How do I get this input string converted?
OK, I found a (the?) fix. The trick is to use 'check' which adds code after the default conversion:
%typemap(check)char* inpathDLL {
if ($1 != NULL) {
static wchar_t LpathDLL[2048];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, $1, -1, LpathDLL, 2048);
$1 = (char *)LpathDLL;
Swig supports that usage directly, with no typemaps required.
One way to get your code snippet to work is as follows:
/* File : example.c */
void *
load_module(const char* name)
static int module_handle = 12;
printf("Hoory, loaded %s\n", name);
return &module_handle;
example_run_module(void* handle, int par1, int par2)
printf("Yay! Running module %d: %d %d\n",
*(int*)handle, par1, par2);
/* example.i */
%module example
void * load_module(const char* name);
void example_run_module(void* handle, int par1, int par2);
void * load_module(const char* name);
void example_run_module(void* handle, int par1, int par2);
# SConscript
env.ParseConfig('/usr/bin/python-config --cflags --ldflags')
lib = env.SharedLibrary('_example.so', ['example.c', 'example.i'])
env.Clean(lib, 'example.pyc')
In [5]: import example
In [6]: example.load_module("hayhay")
Hoory, loaded hayhay
Out[6]: <Swig Object of type 'void *' at 0x7f18cca05180>
In [7]: import example
In [8]: x=example.load_module("hayhay")
Hoory, loaded hayhay
In [9]: example.example_run_module(x, 3, 4)
Yay! Running module 12: 3 4