I want to use angular directive in my laravel project. But when I try to call my angular directive, tempateUrl of Angular Directive is not found. My Code is given below:
.directive('demographichUrl', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'demographich', // this doesn't work
// 'templateUrl: './views/comments/comment-form.html', // this doesn't work
// 'templateUrl: './views/comments/comment-form.blade.php', // this doesn't work
// template:'<h1> hello world! </h1>', // this works
Laravel Routes
// routes
Route::get('demographich', 'CompanyController@demographich');
// controller
public function demographich()
return view('comments.comment-form');
** comment-form.blade.php ( templateUrl page [ this page not found ] )**
<h1> Hi your comments goes here!!!! </h1>
** My file structure **
| --- resources
| --- views
| -- comments
| -- comment-form.blade.php
NB: Laravel : 5.2 Angular: 1.5.X
I have solved this problem using below directive code.
.directive('demographichUrl', function () {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
obj: '=',
submitFunc: '&'
templateUrl: '<?= asset('app/directive/demograph/demographich.html') ?>',
link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {