Search code examples

How to prevent passing parameters to arguments that don't take one in getopt?

For example consider this script,


OPTS=`getopt -o ahb:c: --long help,name:,email: -- "$@"`
#echo "$OPTS"
eval set -- "$OPTS"

usage () {
    echo "type -h for help"

while true; do
    case "$1" in
        -a) echo "a is a short option that do not take parameters"; shift ;;
        -b) echo "b is a short option that requires one parameter and you specified $2"; shift 2;;
        -c) echo "c is a short option that requires one parameter and you specified $2"; shift 2;;
        --name) echo "your name is $2"; shift 2;;
        --email) echo "your email is $2"; shift 2;;
        -h | --help) echo "Google search yourself !"; shift 1;;
        --) usage ; shift; break ;;
        *) echo "hello"; break ;;


So if call the script as sh -a hello, it should throw an error telling that -a does not take any parameters.

Is there a way to do it ?


  • The problem you have is because you don't want a "second" parameter but it's actually third parameter!

    If you don't want any parameter after -a then you need to check if $3 exists or not. ($2 will be '--')

    Here is the fixed code that will print an error when suppling something after -a:

    OPTS=`getopt -o ahb:c: --long help,name:,email: -- "$@"`
    #echo "$OPTS"
    eval set -- "$OPTS"
    usage () {
        echo "type -h for help"
    while true; do
        case "$1" in
            -a) if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then 
    #Check if there is something after -a
                    echo "a is a short option that do not take parameters";
             echo "Whatever..";
     shift ;;
            -b) echo "b is a short option that requires one parameter and you specified $2"; shift 2;;
            -c) echo "c is a short option that requires one parameter and you specified $2"; shift 2;;
            --name) echo "your name is $2"; shift 2;;
            --email) echo "your email is $2"; shift 2;;
            -h | --help) echo "Google search yourself !"; shift 2;;
            --) usage ; shift; break ;;
            *) echo "hello"; break ;;

    I hope this is what you were looking for :)