I want to execute 2 foreach loops at the same time. I've tried:
@foreach (var item in ViewBag.historiques) && foreach (var elt in ViewBag.statuts)
{ .... @item => @elt .......
But that didn't work. Is it possible?
If you're willing to give them type values you can use Linq's Zip method:
var historiques = ViewBag.historiques as List<Historique>;
var statuts = ViewBag.statuts as List<Statut>;
var resultats = historiques.Zip(statuts, (item, elt) => new { item = item, elt = elt });
@foreach (var resultat in resultats)
<div>@resultat.elt </div>
That being said, I would recommend creating a ViewModel and building what you need in that, as opposed to using a ViewBag.