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Add SAN or Local disk to already provisioned Server in Softlayer

I am new to the softlayer rest APIs. We have a requirement where user will be allowed to add a additional SAN or Local Disk to the existing provisioned server in softlayer. For that I was referring to the REST API guide Our project is build on Ruby on Rails and we are using softlayer_api gem and so I was looking at the api ruby doc. But none of these links helped me. Are there any ruby examples for adding a disk ?


  • Please try the following example to upgrade a Virtual Guest in order to add a disk:

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'softlayer_api'
    # Your SoftLayer API username.
    SL_API_USERNAME = 'set me'
    # Your SoftLayer API key.
    SL_API_KEY = 'set me'
    # Set the server id that you wish to upgrade.
    server_id = 17850400
    # Set the new item price id to upgrade the VSI
    price_id = 51733  # 10 GB (SAN) "categoryCode": "guest_disk1", "name": "Second Disk"
    # Order Template with all new item configurations
    object_template = {'packageId'=> 0,
                       'prices'=> [
                               'id'=> price_id
                       'virtualGuests'=> [
                               'id'=> server_id
                       'properties'=> [
                               'name'=> 'NOTE_GENERAL',
                               'value'=> 'Adding a SAN disk'
                               'name'=> 'MAINTENANCE_WINDOW',
                               'value'=> 'now'
                       'complexType'=> 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Upgrade'
    softlayer_client = => SL_API_USERNAME,
                                             :api_key => SL_API_KEY)
    product_order_service = softlayer_client.service_named('SoftLayer_Product_Order')
      result = product_order_service.verifyOrder(object_template)
      puts 'Result:  '
      puts result.inspect
    rescue Exception => e
      puts 'Unable to add the new SAN Disk ...'

    Note: Once your script is ready, please change from verifyOrder to placeOrder.

    To get valid prices for upgrade, please review:




