I'm using Freeradius to authenticate user from my server using php code
update control {
Reply-Message := `/usr/bin/php -f /etc/raddb/auth.php '%{User-Name}' '%{CHAP-Password}' '%{CHAP-Challenge}' auth`
it return CHAP-Password = 0xa2a421bf267fbffabe5696cf1c6d54f479
and the CHAP-password is Hashing, but i don't have clear text password in database, the password is hashed .
It is working fine with PAP Protocol, but i need to use CHAP for other server configuration
So my question: is there anyway to decrypt the CHAP-Password , or if this is not possible to tell CHAP not to hashing the password in configuration
After searching for many and many hours I finally make chap authenticate with my database:
First: I'm working on freeradius 3, because there are many changes form radius 2 and radius 3
Second: Database Configuration
I'm using mysql with 2 Databases like this:
You need to configure sql file in this root
sudo nano mods-available/sql
And change this values
driver = "rlm_sql_mysql"
dialect = "mysql"
server = "localhost"
login = "your_database_username"
password = "your_database_password"
Then save and restart the radius by:
sudo service radiusd restart
If radius restart without error, so the configuration is correct
After restarting radius you need to copy this file to mods-enabled
so radius run this configuration, because all files in mods-enabled is what radius running it
sudo cp mods-available/sql mods-enabled/sql
To check if everything running OK
sudo radiusd -XC
This command run debug on radius, and return errors .
if the end of this debug is
Configuration appears to be OK
so everything is fine until now
Third: Database Connection and Authenticate
Now we need to authenticate the username via CHAP , so we need to write query to select the username from user table
This query will be in this file queries.conf in this root
sudo nano mods-config/sql/main/mysql/queries.conf
And change the authorize_check_query
authorize_check_query = "\
SELECT members.user.id as id, \
members.user.username as username, \
'Cleartext-Password' as attribute, \
members.user.password as value, \
':=' as op \
FROM members.user \
WHERE members.user.username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
ORDER BY members.user.id"
FYI , the password must be in plain text, because as you see the attribute is Cleartext-Password
Now let's add in table user row with username = "ahmed" and password = "test"
and try to test authentication
radtest -t chap ahmed test localhost 1812 testing123
if you receive
Received Access-Accept Id 105 from to length 20
So you are Done,
also i want to thanks @MatthewNewton for his answer and comments on my question :D