I am trying to convert back the result of the truth-table into a Boolean statement. For those who are not familiar I am going to write it detail.
I have a vector of string in a format like below. All string members inside vector have an equal length. Members are only composed by -
or 0
or 1
for example vector v contain 3 member with the length of 5 for each member.
string vv[] = { "--1-0" , "-1-1-" , "01-1-" };
std::vector<string> v(begin(vv), end(vv));
Each character of string represents another vector "A" member along with a Boolean operation. For instance,
first one --1-0
is (A[2] && !A[4])
I would like to convert my above vector v
(A[2] && !A[4]) || (A[1] && A[3] ) || (!A[0] && A[1] && A[3])
What I want to do is to have a function with vectors v
and A
as inputs and the return is above Boolean statement. I am sure you have noticed that 1
is true
, 0
is Not true
and -
is don't care status.
EDIT: I do NOT intend to solve a truthTable or Kmap. I already have the result. My result in the format of "v" vector. I want to create a link between V and A using Boolean statement.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I suppose the problem is that I don't speak English well but isn't clear to me what do you exactly want.
If you want a function that given a vector of std::string
and a vector of bool
return the bool
value, according your indications, it's easy to do (hoping no errors made).
You use std::begin()
so I suppose C++11 is good for you
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
bool singleStatement (const std::vector<bool> & a,
const std::string & s)
auto ret = true;
if ( a.size() < s.size() )
throw std::runtime_error("invalid size");
for ( unsigned i = 0U ; i < s.size() ; ++i )
switch ( s[i] )
case '-': break;
case '1': ret &= a[i]; break;
case '0': ret &= !a[i]; break;
default: throw std::runtime_error("invalid char"); break;
return ret;
bool statements (const std::vector<bool> & a,
const std::vector<std::string> & v)
auto ret = false;
for ( const auto & s : v )
ret |= singleStatement(a, s);
return ret;
int main ()
std::vector<bool> a { true, false, false, true, false };
std::vector<std::string> v { "--1-0" , "-1-1-" , "01-1-" };
std::cout << "statement is " << statements(a, v) << std::endl;