I want to simply show some kml files with osgearth_viewer.exe.
I've read the osgEarth documentation and get nothing about how to load a lot of KML files by using .earth file with osgearth_viewer.exe.
I know how to load one kml file using comand line parameter --kml , but I wanna to show all kml files once.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated and sorry for my poor English.
The example here: http://code.metager.de/source/xref/osgearth/src/applications/osgearth_kml/osgearth_kml.cpp#63
Shows pretty clearly how you do it. Just do the
osg::Node* kml = osgDB::readNodeFile( kmlFile, options.get() );
if ( kml )
root->addChild( kml );
steps as many times as you want for as many KML files as you want.