I am trying to follow this article on Win32 Structured Exception handling. The article is quite old, but still considered a very good introduction to the subject.
I am trying to compile a code sample from the article reproduced below -
// MYSEH - Matt Pietrek 1997
// Microsoft Systems Journal, January 1997
// To compile: CL MYSEH.CPP
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DWORD scratch;
struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
void * EstablisherFrame,
struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
void * DispatcherContext )
unsigned i;
// Indicate that we made it to our exception handler
printf( "Hello from an exception handler\n" );
// Change EAX in the context record so that it points to someplace
// where we can successfully write
ContextRecord->Eax = (DWORD)&scratch;
// Tell the OS to restart the faulting instruction
return ExceptionContinueExecution;
int main()
DWORD handler = (DWORD)_except_handler;
push handler // Address of handler function
push FS:[0] // Address of previous handler
mov eax,0 // Zero out EAX
mov [eax], 1 // Write to EAX to deliberately cause a fault
printf( "After writing!\n" );
{ // Remove our EXECEPTION_REGISTRATION record
mov eax,[ESP] // Get pointer to previous record.
mov FS:[0], EAX // Install previous record
add esp, 8 // Clean our EXECEPTION_REGISTRATION off stack
return 0;
On compiling it with "cl", it seems to produce an executable, but also throws the following errors:
myseh.cpp(42) : warning C4733: Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0': handler not registered as safe handler
myseh.cpp(56) : warning C4733: Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0': handler not registered as safe handler
The executable crashes and it doesn't look like the custom exception handler is doing its job. Searching the internet seems to suggest that I need to register my custom exception handler function as a safe exception handler. I am not a professional developer. But I'd like to follow the article nevertheless. I need some guidance on how to get a working executable.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10.
From description of C4733 warning:
Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0' : handler not registered as safe handler
A function modifying the value at FS:0 to add a new exception handler may not work with Safe Exceptions, because the handler may not be registered as a valid exception handler (see /SAFESEH).
To resolve this warning, either remove the FS:0 definition or turn off this warning and use .SAFESEH to specify the safe exception handlers.
This basically means that you are trying to use handler that will be not registered as safe SEH handler in resulting executable image.
Depending on your linker settings it may or may not be executed.
By default linker produces table of safe handlers, but it doesn't know that your _except_handler
is exception handler and therefore it won't put it to table of safe SEH handlers. To solve it you have basically two options:
Mark your function as safe handler using .safeseh
MASM directive.
You will have to put it into separate ASM file as these directives aren't supported by inline assembly.
switch to instruct linker to not create table of safe handlers.
This way will be any SEH handler in your executable treat as safe handler by OS.
I'd suggest to look at /SAFESEH linker switch and .safeseh MASM directive documentation for further information.
More information about safe SEH handlers can be found in this article:
The general idea is to collect handlers' entry points in a designated read-only table and have each entry point verified against this table for exceptions prior to control being passed to the handler.