I created a wordpress site, you can check it here http://www.enterhelix.com/shan/wordpress4.5/ , as I wanted it to be in a separate domain, so I created a domain http://www.pioneersurgicalsystems.in/ and copied all files and folder in the root of pioneersurgicalsystems.in including DATABASE. If you open pioneersurgicalsystems.in/ in your browser it will open, but if you click in any categories then you will be redirected to 404 page. After Googling I found a solution and edit config.php
file and added
and edited functions.php
file of my theme and added the following code
update_option('siteurl', 'http://www.pioneersurgicalsystems.in');
update_option('home', 'http://www.pioneersurgicalsystems.in');
But still it does not work, everything is okay and working fine in the first link, but it is not working in the second link in which I want the site to be hosted, can anyone help me..?? Thanks
Could you please save permalink again?
Step 1 : Goto wp-admin->setting->permalinks
Steps 2 : After save changes