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Adding model-wide help text to a django model's admin form

In my django app, I would like to be able to add customized help text to the admin change form for some of my models. Note I'm not talking about the field specific help_text attribute that I can set on individual fields. For example, at the top of the change form for My_Model in My_App I'd like to be able to add some HTML that says "For additional information about My Model, see" in order to provide a link to an internal documentation wiki.

Is there any simple way of accomplishing this, or do I need to create a custom admin form for the model? If so, can you give me an example of how I would do that?


  • There is a fairly simple, yet underdocumented way of accomplishing this.

    Define render_change_form in the Admin class

    First, you need to pass extra context to your admin. To do this, you can define a render_change_form function within your admin Class, e.g.:

    class CustomAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        def render_change_form(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs):
            # here we define a custom template
            self.change_form_template = 'admin/myapp/change_form_help_text.html'
            extra = {
                'help_text': "This is a help message. Good luck filling out the form."
            return super().render_change_form(request, context, *args, **kwargs)

    Creating a custom template

    Next, you need to create that custom template (change_form_help_text.html) and extend the default 'admin/change_form.html'.

    # change_form_help_text.html
    {% extends 'admin/change_form.html' %}
    {% block form_top %} 
        {% if help_text %}<p>{{ help_text }}</p>{% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    I've chosen to place this template inside templates/admin/myapp/, but this is also flexible.

    More info available at: