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Yii2: How to declare a has-many relation where either of two attributes match an id?

The model Team has two has-many relations to Game:

public function getGamesWhereTeamIsSetAsHome()
    return $this->hasMany(Game::className(), ['teamHome' => 'id']);

public function getGamesWhereTeamIsSetAsAway()
    return $this->hasMany(Game::className(), ['teamAway' => 'id']);

I would like a has-many relation that returns all games, which have either teamHome or teamAway set to the id of team (like a combo of the two relations above).

public function getGames()
    return /* code here */;

How do I set up such a relation?


  • public function getGames($id)
       return Games::find()->where(['or',['teamHome'=>$id],['teamAway'=>$id]])->all();

    and while calling

    $games = $model->getGames($model->id);