In my controller I am passing a multiple array to the view. The arrays that I am passing look like this:
$charts['names'] = ['Artikler lest', 'Antall kommentarer', 'Antall "bli med"', 'Tid på døgnet'];
$charts['values'] = ['Article', 'Comment', 'Thumb', 'View'];
return view('',
And in my view I have a select box that looks like this:
<div class="large-4 columns end">
{!! Form::select('velg', $charts['names'], null, ['id' => 'timelines']) !!}
With this I am passing just text to the select box, I would also like to pass a values so that they are connnected like this:
<option value="Article">Artikler lest</option>
<option value="Comment">Antall kommentarer</option>
<option value="Thumb">Antall "bli med"</option>
<option value="View">Tid på døgnet</option>
How would I do such thing with Laravel collective?
Just pass through an array with the keys as the option value:
$charts = [
'Article' => 'Artikler lest',
'Comment' => 'Antall kommentarer',
'Thumb' => 'Antall "bli med"',
'View' => 'Tid på døgnet'
The form builder will use the key for the value of the option.