I use the Powershell script following to get a show run
command run on a cisco device :
$ErrorActionPreference ="Inquire"
Import-Module SSH-Sessions
$time ="$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)"
$filename ="config"
$ext =".txt"
$filepath ="temp\"
$d1 ="x.x.x.x"
$u1 ="user"
$p1 ="password"
New-SshSession $d1 -Username $u1 -Password "$p1"
$c1 ="show run"
$Results = Invoke-Sshcommand -InvokeOnAll -Command "$c1" | Out-File "$filepath$filename-$time$ext"
Remove-SshSession -RemoveAll
When I run this script manually by right click/run with powershell that's worlking fine. The problem come when I try to run this script via PHP.
$output = shell_exec('powershell C:\wamp\www\getconf\script\getconfig.ps1');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
index.php loads forever and never give me an output and never create the results file.
I have tried to run another script, like test.ps1 that simply create a directory and it's working fine; I get the output and my directory is created.
My powershell script works.
The link between PHP and my PowerShell script works.
I do not understand where is the problem from.
As commented by jisaak the problem was that my webserver wasn't able to reach the destination directory.
By hardcoding the path properly the problem has been fixed.