We've got our source code up in BitBucket cloud and we're using TeamCity, with the "Commit Status Publisher" plugin. I was using our repository url (for example https://bitbucket.org/test/test.git) as the "Stash base url", which worked for a while, but then I started getting a 404 just recently. I tried using BitBuckets new build status api (https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/buildstatus-resource-779295267.html?_ga=1.155356926.432767113.1452136822), but I get a 405 error. Does anyone know which url I should be using and how to configure this in TeamCity? Is there a better plugin I could be using?
Thank you in advance,
Bitbucket Cloud (bitbucket.org) and Bitbucket Server (formely known as Stash) use different API. Please install the latest version of the Commit Status Publisher plugin, it provides a dedicated support for Bitbucket Cloud.