I am in the process of creating DC/OS cluster on AWS for running Kafka->Spark->Cassandra workloads.
I am interested what is the minimum specification for master node in DC/OS environment. I see that DC/OS suggests m3.xlarge instances, but I do not know why do I need 4 processors and 15GB of RAM, when master is only runnning processes described on: https://docs.mesosphere.com/overview/architecture/ -> There is no actual data processing performed by the master.
I would maybe go with m3.large or r3.large instances.
Kindest regards,
DC/OS masters are not used to run any high computation loads, but their memory usage tends to be pretty exhaustive, and so a large instance is recommended.
There might be a way to use smaller instances and compensate for the missing memory using swap files, but straying from the supplier's recommendations should only be done after careful consideration of the potential consequences.