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Swisscom Passeport two-step login with Cloud Foundry CLI

How can I login with the Cloud Foundry CLI to the Swisscom Application Cloud when I have activated the two-step login method (password and SMS code) in my Swisscom Passeport account?

$ cf login -a https://… -u …
API endpoint: https://…

Credentials were rejected, please try again.

After entering my Passeport password on the command line I do receive the SMS code, however there's no possibility to enter it on the command line.


  • If you enable Passeport's two-factor authentication, you have to use the --sso flag and follow the instructions:

    cf login -a --sso
    API endpoint:
    One Time Code ( Get one at )>

    Switching to the browser and obtaining an OTP is needed because the cf cli does not support two-step auth directly on the cli yet.

    We will add this info to the official documentation.