I must create a string list and remove upper letters with lambda and write it into another list, so i try but i have bug:[Error] request for member 'erase' in 'c', which is of non-class type 'const char'
list<string> ls {"hak","ala","alA","coS","KtOs"};
list<string> ls2;
for(auto k : ls)cout<<k<<endl<<endl;
transform(ls.begin(),ls.end(),ls.begin(),[](string &s) {
transform(s.begin(),s.end(),s.begin(), [](const char& c) {
if(isupper(c) );return c.erase(isupper(c)) ;
return s;
This lambda of yours:
[](const char& c) {
if(isupper(c) );
return c.erase(isupper(c)) ;
You have a ;
in your if
... effectively translating it to a dead code...
And c
is of type char
, it has no members. WHat are you even trying to do? isupper
returns a non zero value (meaning it could be anything) to signify true
I presume what you want to do is:
transform(ls.begin(), ls.end(), back_inserter(ls2),
[](string s) -> string
s.erase(remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(),
[](char c){
return isupper(c);
}), s.end()
return s;
Again, I used back_inserter
for the new list because its assumed it doesn't contain any element yet. The other is Remove/Erase Idiom. And please see the documentation of isupper
Full example here: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/4df3c806d7d35de4