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How to execute a cleanup script on exec-maven-plugin:exec failure?

I'm currently using the maven plugin exec-maven-plugin to execute a script, this script launches several java programs corresponding to an integration test, if the test passes, everything is stopped properly by a cleanup script executed later in the build.

My problem is when the test fails because when the plugin exec-maven-plugin fails it stops the build immediately such that my cleanup script is never called which means that my java programs are never stopped.

So is there a way to execute my cleanup script even if my integration test fails?

So far, I added 1 as successCode to my integration test to ensure that my cleanup script is called but it is not good enough because the build is seen has a build success which is not the case.

Any ideas?


  • Here is what I finally did:

    1. I added 1 as success code to my integration test in order to make sure that the cleanup script is always called.
    2. I defined the property outputFile to my integration test in order to redirect the standard output streams into a file to be tested later
    3. After my cleanup script, I check for a given pattern in file created in step #2 using a command of type cat {my-file} | grep {my-pattern} >/dev/null in order to know if the integration test passed or not, if the pattern cannot be found, it will make the build fails otherwise the build will pass.