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Stub moment.js constructor with Sinon

I am not able to stub the moment constructor when calling it with the format function to return a pre-defined string, here's an example spec that I would like to run with mocha:

it('should stub moment', sinon.test(function() {
  console.log('Real call:', moment());

  const formatForTheStub = 'DD-MM-YYYY [at] HH:mm';
  const momentStub = sinon.stub(moment(),'format')

  const dateValueAsString = '2025-06-01T00:00:00Z';

  const output = moment(dateValueAsString).format(formatForTheStub);

  console.log('Stub output:',output);


I am able to see this output using console.log:

Real call: "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Stub output: 01-06-2025 at 01:00

But then the test fails cause 01-06-2025 at 01:00 !== 'FOOBARBAZ' How can I properly stub that moment(something).format(...) call?


  • I found the answer at

    Apparently moment exposes its prototype using .fn, so you can:

    import { fn as momentProto } from 'moment'
    import sinon from 'sinon'
    import MyClass from 'my-class'
    const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox()
    describe('MyClass', () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
        sandbox.stub(momentProto, 'format')
      afterEach(() => {
      /* write some tests */