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ObjectDisposedException when using IMessageFilter

I recently had a situation where I had a form that I was intercepting and processing messages for. Everything worked fine the first time the form was opened, but after closing and opening again, I would get an ObjectDisposedException.

I finally figured out that I needed to call


when closing the form, otherwise, it kept trying to process messages for the closed form. I didn't see any questions/answers on here that addressed this, so I wanted to add it in case someone else had the same problem.

Also, the example on MSDN do not show removing the message filter either.

public partial class Template_Editor : Form, IMessageFilter
    public Template_Editor(ICollection<Vendor> vendorList)

    public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)



  • Make sure to call


    once you are done processing messages (i.e. when closing the form)