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Siesta iOS GET request with url parameters

Is there a way to make a GET request in Siesta, while providing parameter, like

I tried with


but the question mark gets escaped.

Then I tried with

myAPI.resource("list.json").request(.GET, urlEncoded:["myparam": "1"])

but it always fails with "The network connection was lost.", but all other requests succeed, so the message is wrong.


  • You are looking for withParam:

    myAPI.resource("list.json").withParam("myparam", "1")

    The Service.resource(_:) method you are trying to use in your first example specifically avoids interpreting special characters as params (or anything except a path). From the docs:

    The path parameter is simply appended to baseURL’s path, and is never interpreted as a URL. Strings such as .., //, ?, and https: have no special meaning; they go directly into the resulting resource’s path, with escaping if necessary.

    This is a security feature, meant to prevent user-submitted strings from bleeding into other parts of the URL.

    The Resource.request(_:urlEncoded:) method in your second example is for passing parameters in a request body (i.e. with a POST or PUT), not for parameters in the query string.

    Note that you can always use Service.resource(absoluteURL:) to construct a URL yourself if you want to bypass Siesta’s URL component isolation and escaping features.