When raised exception is caught on the root of call-stack I can see the whole context at every level of call-stack in Sentry.
But, when I use captureMessage() I can't see any context in Sentry.
If I use captureException() as in the code below I can see only the top of call-stack.
raise Exception('Breakpoint!')
In other words I want to see in Sentry a logged message with full stacktrace and context.
The Python SDK has the ability to capture arbitrary stacktraces by passing stack=True
to captureMessage:
raven_client.captureMessage('hello world', stack=True)
There is additionally an auto_log_stacks
value that can be turned on when configuring the Client:
raven_client = Client(..., auto_log_stacks=True)
Caveat: Automatically logging stacks is useful, but it's not guaranteed accurate in some common situations. It's also a performance hit, albeit a minor one, as it has to constantly call out to inspect.stack()