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Delete large number of branches from remote

I have a Git remote that has 1000 branches, and I want to delete all the branches whose name does not start with foo_. Is there an easy way to do that?


  • Short answer

    If your remote is called "origin", run

    git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:strip=3)' refs/remotes/origin/* | \
      grep -v '^foo_\|^HEAD$' | \
      xargs git push --delete origin

    More details

    Prefer git for-each-ref over git branch

    The other answers suggest piping the output of git branch to grep or awk. However, such an approach is brittle: git branch is a Porcelain (i.e. high-level) command, whose output may change in a future Git release. A better alternative is to use git for-each-ref, a powerful Plumbing (i.e. low-level) command.

    Explanation of the command

    (Note: the following assumes that your remote is called "origin".)

    Use git for-each-ref to list all the remote branches on origin in an adequate format:

    git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:strip=3)' refs/remotes/origin/*

    Pipe the output to

    grep -v '^foo_\|HEAD$'

    to discard HEAD and all the branches whose name starts with "foo_". Finally, pipe the output to

    xargs git push --delete origin

    to delete all the relevant remote branches from origin in one fell swoop.

    Caveat: Of course, the command above won't be able to delete current branch of the remote if the latter doesn't start with "foo_".