I want to delete data for the DistributionCenterCode 'Stock'(here the second entry) completely using PHP for ChannelAdvisor. But I am getting error but I have checked the DistributionCenterCode exists.
stdClass Object
[DistributionCenterCode] => Monroe
[AvailableQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedPooledQuantity] => 0
[ReceivedInInventory] =>
stdClass Object
[DistributionCenterCode] => Stock
[AvailableQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedPooledQuantity] => 0
[ReceivedInInventory] =>
stdClass Object
[DistributionCenterCode] => LBG
[AvailableQuantity] => 999
[OpenAllocatedQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedPooledQuantity] => 0
[ReceivedInInventory] =>
The error is like as follows-
stdClass Object
[SynchInventoryItemResult] => stdClass Object
[Status] => Failure
[MessageCode] => 12
[Message] => Distribution Center Code is missing from DistributionCenterInfo!
[ResultData] =>
The Item array should be properly keyed by the Distribution Center. Then this error will not emerge.
[Sku] => ADLAACW009
[DistributionCenterList] => Array
[Stock] => Array
[DistributionCenterInfoSubmit] => Array
[0] => Array
[DistributionCenterCode] => Stock
[AvailableQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedQuantity] => 0
[OpenAllocatedPooledQuantity] => 0
[WarehouseLocation] => _DELETE_