I'm using winetricks
to perform silent install of wizard and I've got the following code which works fine (based on previous version of installer):
w_ahk_do "
Run, ${file1}
WinWait, MetaTrader 5 Setup
ControlClick, Button1
Sleep 100
ControlClick, Button3
WinWait, MetaTrader 5 Setup, Installation successfully completed
ControlClick, Button4
Process, Wait, terminal.exe
Process, Close, terminal.exe
However the problem is that it doesn't work when locale is different.
So then I've to adjust the code accordingly to the language, for example the Polish version would look like:
w_ahk_do "
Run, ${file1}
WinWait, MetaTrader 5 Ustawienia
ControlClick, Button1
Sleep 100
ControlClick, Button3
WinWait, MetaTrader 5 Ustawienia, Instalacja ukończona
ControlClick, Button4
Process, Wait, terminal.exe
Process, Close, terminal.exe
and so on.
Is there any method to prevent implementing many different codes for each language (using WinWait
or similar function)?
; auto-execute section:
; GroupAdd, GroupName, WinTitle, WinText, Label, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText
GroupAdd, MetaTrader_Setup_Group, MetaTrader 5 Setup,,,, Installation successfully completed
GroupAdd, MetaTrader_Setup_Group, MetaTrader 5 Ustawienia,,,, Instalacja ukończona
GroupAdd, MetaTrader_Setup_successfull_Group, MetaTrader 5 Setup, Installation successfully completed
GroupAdd, MetaTrader_Setup_successfull_Group, MetaTrader 5 Ustawienia, Instalacja ukończona
Return ; ênd of the auto-execute section
; All windowing commands can operate upon a window group by specifying ahk_group GroupName
w_ahk_do "
Run, ${file1}
WinWait, ahk_group MetaTrader_Setup_Group
ControlClick, Button1
Sleep 100
ControlClick, Button3
WinWait, ahk_group MetaTrader_Setup_successfull_Group
ControlClick, Button4
Process, Wait, terminal.exe
Process, Close, terminal.exe