I'm partially color blind and this causes some usability issues when I'm interacting with software, in this case Android Studio and Intellij. The Color Themes for Intellij website has helped me a lot for customizing the text editor, but there's still one issue.
The right scrollbar on the text editor shows color coded information about the location of errors, warnings and other context aware information.
It's very difficult for me to differentiate the elements of current color scheme for that bar.
Is there a way to customize it?
It seems that changing the Theme of the software doesn't affect said color scheme.
You need to check
Navigate through Setting --> Editor --> colors & Fonts --> General --> Errors and Warnings--> Error --> check Error Stripe mark (choose color you want) to show color code in right scroll
another way that might help you ,
Navigate to setting --> appearance --> check Adjust color of red-green deficiency (under theme)