when trying to link my linux (CentOS 7) application against static qt 5 libraries I get the following error:
debug/app_debug_plugin_import.o: In function `StaticQPSQLDriverPluginPluginInstance::StaticQPSQLDriverPluginPluginInstance()':
<src>/app_debug_plugin_import.cpp:24: undefined reference to `qt_static_plugin_QPSQLDriverPlugin
linking to the mysql plugin works.
I followed the tutorial here:
And I have both plugins (libqsqlpsql.a and libqsqlmysql.a)
But the mysql plugin defines the function:
While the psql plugin has no equivalend function.
What am I missing.
Thanks in advance
It seems that is was caused by remaining compiled object files that were compiled with an old qmake (from Qt 4.7) After cleaning them up, it compiled correctly.