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Availability of Azure storage account

This page says that the availability of an azure storage account is computed as (billable requests)/(total requests). Billable requests mean all the requests excluding those which experienced anonymous failures (except network errors), throttled requests, server timeout errors and unknown errors.

Now,what I see on the azure portal for my storage account is a straight line continuously at 100%, meaning that the account is available at 100% availability continuously. The line is without any break which means that the availability is being calculated continuously.

enter image description here

I know for sure that I don't throw requests to the storage account continuously. Then, how is this metric calculated for times when there are no requests?

Additionally, even a slight drop in storage availability means that some requests failed due to some server side issues. How can we ensure that these failed requests are retried and they pass?


  • When there isn't any incoming request, the availability is 100%. If your request encounters server side failures, you should retry the request via your code explicitly (in .NET client library, you can easily leverage RetryPolicy. See more details about RetryPolicy here).