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docker image mesosphere/dcos-genconf not found

sudo bash --web -v

Running mesosphere/dcos-genconf docker with BUILD_DIR set to /home/ec2-user/genconf

Unable to find image 'mesosphere/dcos-genconf:14509fe1e7899f4395-3a2b7e03c45cd615da' locally

Pulling repository
docker: Error: image mesosphere/dcos-genconf not found.


  • This used to happen when TERM, HUP or KILL were sent while executed docker load. The latest EA (1.7) ships with a trap on those signals which cleans up in this event.

    I'd suggest removing the dcos-genconf-$HASH.tar.xz which is written out to the directory in which you execute, then re-running.

    This way you're assured to not have a corrupted tar file or image. The image is a tar file appended after the EOF inside the, it extracts that file, writes it to disk and then docker loads it. There's a lot that can go wrong with that methodology.

    In line with removing that tar from disk I'd also recommend docker rmi on the image name if present before re-running.