I am a novice with C++ and Boost Spirit X3. For my project I parse a geo-social graph from two files with the following structure with boost spirit X3 into a boost graph.
I have a working implementation. As I don't have any prior experience with the libraries I wonder what you think about the approach and if you'd recommend to take a different approach.
In the graph file there is one line for each edge. While parsing the edges I have to create the nodes of the graph, in case the node has not been seen before. I use a semantic action that checks every time it encounters a node-id, if that node is already in the graph. Having read a full line I use a semantic action that then adds the edge.
In the location file there is one line per known location of a node at a given time. I store the first location that is known for a node in the graph (using a custom boost graph property).
I have to concrete questions but would be happy to receive any thoughts and suggestions:
Graph (denoting the edges in the graph)
[user1] [user2]
0 3
[user] [check-in time] [latitude] [longitude] [location id]
0 2010-10-19T23:55:27Z 30.2359091167 -97.7951395833 22847
Spirit X3 parsing code
// Parse the gowalla edge file
boost::spirit::istream_iterator file_iterator(edge_file), eof;
x3::phrase_parse(file_iterator, eof,
// Begin grammar
*((x3::int_[add_vertex] >> x3::int_[add_vertex])[add_edge])
// End grammar
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole edges file
if (file_iterator != eof) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole edges file" << std::endl;
// Parse the gowalla location file
file_iterator = boost::spirit::istream_iterator(location_file);
x3::phrase_parse(file_iterator, eof,
// Begin grammar
// vertex_id time of checkin latitude longitude location id
*((x3::int_ >> x3::lexeme[*x3::graph] >> x3::double_ >> x3::double_)[add_location] >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)
// End grammar
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole location file
if (file_iterator != eof) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole location file" << std::endl;
Semantic actions called by X3
// Lambda function that adds vertex to graph if not already added
auto add_vertex = [&](auto& ctx){
// Return if the vertex is already known
if (vertices.find(x3::_attr(ctx)) != vertices.end()) {
return false;
// Otherwise add vertex to graph
auto v = boost::add_vertex(g);
// And add vertex descriptor to map
vertices[x3::_attr(ctx)] = v;
// Lambda function that adds edge to graph
auto add_edge = [&](auto& ctx){
// _attr(ctx) returns a boost fusion tuple
auto attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
// Add edge from the vertices returned from context
vertices[fusion::at_c<1>(attr)], g);
// Lambda function that adds locations to vertices in the graph
auto add_location = [&](auto& ctx){
// _attr(ctx) returns a boost fusion tuple
auto attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
auto vertex_id = fusion::at_c<0>(attr);
if (location_already_added.find(vertex_id) != location_already_added.end()) {
// Exit, as we already stored the location for this vertex
return true;
// Test if vertex is in our graph
// We are parsing locations from a different file than the graph,
// so there might be inconsistencies
if (vertices.find(vertex_id) == vertices.end()) {
std::cerr << "Tried to add location to vertex " << vertex_id << ", but this vertex is not in our graph" << std::endl;
return false;
auto vertex = vertices[vertex_id];
// Add location to the vertex
g[vertex].latitude = fusion::at_c<2>(attr);
g[vertex].longitude = fusion::at_c<3>(attr);
return true;
Boost graph
struct vertex_property {
double longitude;
double latitude;
// Define our graph
// We use setS to enforce our graph not to become a multigraph
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, vertex_property, edge_property > graph;
Q. Is it ok to use nested semantic actions as I do for the graph file? Does this hurt performance?
I wouldn't do it. It's probably much easier to just add the edges whole-sale:
x3::parse(file_iterator, eof,
*((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)[add_edge])
Where add_ege
could be as simple as:
auto add_edge = [&](auto& ctx){
// Add edge from from context
vertex_decriptor source, target;
auto tup = std::tie(source, target);
fusion::copy(x3::_attr(ctx), tup);
boost::add_edge(map_vertex(source), map_vertex(target), g);
Q. Is it recommended to parse the whole file at once with Spirit X3 or should I parse every line individually with Spirit X3?
I don't think spirit makes any recommendation. I'd do the whole file at once. And I recommend using memory mapped files so you get more efficiency (random-access iteration without multi_pass
iterator adaptation).
you are trying to use space-aware parsers but using them with istream_iterators. You must remember to reset the skipws
flag on the stream then.
the vertices
map seems like a waste of resources; consider whether you can use the [user]
thing (vertex_id
) directly instead of translating to vertex_descriptor
Here's a cleaned up version that parses the files from https://snap.stanford.edu/data/loc-gowalla.html just fine in about 19s (that's considerably faster already):
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_istream_iterator.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
struct vertex_property {
double longitude;
double latitude;
struct edge_property { };
struct Reader {
bool read_edges(std::string fname) {
// Lambda function that adds edge to graph
auto add_edge = [this](auto& ctx){
// Add edge from from context
vertex_decriptor source, target;
auto tup = std::tie(source, target);
fusion::copy(x3::_attr(ctx), tup);
boost::add_edge(this->map_vertex(source), this->map_vertex(target), g);
// Parse the gowalla edge file
std::ifstream edge_file(fname);
if (!edge_file) return false;
boost::spirit::istream_iterator file_iterator(edge_file >> std::noskipws), eof;
x3::parse(file_iterator, eof, *((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)[add_edge]));
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole edges file
return (file_iterator == eof);
bool read_locations(std::string fname) {
// Lambda function that adds locations to vertices in the graph
auto add_location = [&](auto& ctx){
// _attr(ctx) returns a boost fusion tuple
auto attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
auto vertex_id = fusion::at_c<0>(attr);
if (!location_already_added.insert(vertex_id).second)
return true; // Exit, as we already stored the location for this vertex
// Test if vertex is in our graph
// We are parsing locations from a different file than the graph, so
// there might be inconsistencies
auto mapped = mapped_vertices.find(vertex_id);
if (mapped == mapped_vertices.end()) {
std::cerr << "Tried to add location to vertex " << vertex_id << ", but this vertex is not in our graph" << std::endl;
return false;
// Add location to the vertex
auto& props = g[mapped->second];
props.latitude = fusion::at_c<1>(attr);
props.longitude = fusion::at_c<2>(attr);
return true;
// Parse the gowalla location file
std::ifstream location_file(fname);
if (!location_file) return false;
boost::spirit::istream_iterator file_iterator(location_file >> std::noskipws), eof;
x3::parse(file_iterator, eof,
// [vertex_id] [time of checkin] [latitude] [longitude] [location] id
*((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::omit[*x3::graph] >> '\t' >> x3::double_ >> '\t' >> x3::double_)[add_location] >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole location file
return (file_iterator == eof);
// We use setS to enforce our graph not to become a multigraph
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, vertex_property, edge_property> graph;
using vertex_decriptor = graph::vertex_descriptor;
std::map<int, vertex_decriptor> mapped_vertices;
std::set<int> location_already_added;
graph g;
// Lambda function that adds vertex to graph if not already added
vertex_decriptor map_vertex(int id) {
auto match = mapped_vertices.find(id);
if (match != mapped_vertices.end())
return match->second; // vertex already known
else // Otherwise add vertex
return mapped_vertices[id] = boost::add_vertex(g);
int main() {
Reader reader;
if (!reader.read_edges("loc-gowalla_edges.txt"))
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole edges file" << std::endl;
if (!reader.read_locations("loc-gowalla_totalCheckins.txt"))
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole location file" << std::endl;
For comparison, replacing with memory mapped files makes it MUCH faster: it completes in 3s (that's over 6x faster again):
Example changed fragment:
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source mm(fname);
auto f = mm.begin(), l = mm.end();
x3::parse(f, l, *((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)[add_edge]));
After profiling. it looks like having the map/set is probably not too bad:
From what I see, the program uses 152MiB, of which only 4.1 show up as location_already_added
at first glance.
Even so, replacing the set<int> location_already_added
with a dynamic bitset and removing the map<int, vertex_descriptor>
does further reduce memory usage as well as program run time.
This time it completes in under 2s (another 33% off).
It takes roughly 10% less memory for obvious reasons: 138.7 MiB.
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
struct vertex_property {
double longitude;
double latitude;
struct edge_property { };
struct Reader {
Reader() {
bool read_edges(std::string fname) {
// Lambda function that adds edge to graph
auto add_edge = [this](auto& ctx){
// Add edge from from context
vertex_decriptor source, target;
auto tup = std::tie(source, target);
fusion::copy(x3::_attr(ctx), tup);
boost::add_edge(this->map_vertex(source), this->map_vertex(target), g);
// Parse the gowalla edge file
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source mm(fname);
auto f = mm.begin(), l = mm.end();
x3::parse(f, l, *((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)[add_edge]));
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole edges file
return f == l;
bool read_locations(std::string fname) {
boost::dynamic_bitset<> location_already_added(num_vertices(g));
// Lambda function that adds locations to vertices in the graph
auto add_location = [&](auto& ctx){
// _attr(ctx) returns a boost fusion tuple
auto const& attr = x3::_attr(ctx);
auto vertex_id = fusion::at_c<0>(attr);
if (location_already_added.test(vertex_id))
return true; // Exit, as we already stored the location for this vertex
// Test if vertex is in our graph
// We are parsing locations from a different file than the graph, so
// there might be inconsistencies
auto mapped = this->mapped_vertex(vertex_id);
if (graph::null_vertex() == mapped) {
std::cerr << "Tried to add location to vertex " << vertex_id << ", but this vertex is not in our graph" << std::endl;
return false;
// Add location to the vertex
auto& props = g[mapped];
props.latitude = fusion::at_c<1>(attr);
props.longitude = fusion::at_c<2>(attr);
return true;
// Parse the gowalla location file
std::ifstream location_file(fname);
if (!location_file) return false;
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source mm(fname);
auto f = mm.begin(), l = mm.end();
x3::parse(f, l,
// [vertex_id] [time of checkin] [latitude] [longitude] [location] id
*((x3::int_ >> '\t' >> x3::omit[*x3::graph] >> '\t' >> x3::double_ >> '\t' >> x3::double_)[add_location] >> '\t' >> x3::int_ >> x3::eol)
// Fail if we couldn't parse the whole location file
return f == l;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, vertex_property, edge_property> graph;
// We use setS to enforce our graph not to become a multigraph
using vertex_decriptor = graph::vertex_descriptor;
graph g;
std::map<int, vertex_decriptor> mapped_vertices;
vertex_decriptor map_vertex(int id) {
auto match = mapped_vertices.find(id);
if (match != mapped_vertices.end())
return match->second; // vertex already known
else // Otherwise add vertex
return mapped_vertices[id] = boost::add_vertex(g);
vertex_decriptor mapped_vertex(int id) const {
auto mapped = mapped_vertices.find(id);
return mapped == mapped_vertices.end()
? return graph::null_vertex()
: mapped->second;
static vertex_decriptor map_vertex(int id) { return id; }
static vertex_decriptor mapped_vertex(int id) { return id; }
int main() {
Reader reader;
if (!reader.read_edges("loc-gowalla_edges.txt"))
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole edges file" << std::endl;
if (!reader.read_locations("loc-gowalla_totalCheckins.txt"))
std::cerr << "Couldn't parse whole location file" << std::endl;