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Can I add multiple Test Methods in .cs in Coded UI

Can I add multiple test methods in one .cs file in code UI.

Below is my code. I have two features. 1. Login and Log off.

I have created one CodedUITest1.cs file where i an trying to add multiple methods. Is it really possible to do that

public class CodedUITest1 { public CodedUITest1() { }

    public void Login()

    public void LogOff()


  • Yes, you can have multiple tests in a test class. What is the problem you are noticing?

    Normally, I use the TestInitialize attribute to setup the common steps for all tests and then each test method does something different from that point and performs assertions, etc.

    public class LoginPageTests
        BrowserWindow bw;
        public void GivenLoginPage()
            bw = BrowserWindow.Launch("");
        public void WhenSupplyingValidCredentials_ThenLoginSucceedsAndAccountsPageIsShown()
            Assert.IsTrue(bw.Titles.Any(x => "Login"));
            HtmlEdit userNameEdit = new HtmlEdit(bw);
            userNameEdit.SearchProperties.Add("id", "userName");
            userNameEdit.Text = "MyUserName";
            HtmlEdit passEdit = new HtmlEdit(bw);
            passEdit.SearchProperties.Add("id", "pass");
            passEdit.Text = "MyPassword";
            HtmlButton loginButton = new HtmlButton(bw);
            // probably can one of the WaitFor* methods to wait for the page to load
            Assert.IsTrue(bw.Titles.Any(x => "Accounts"));
        public void WhenNoPassword_ThenButtonIsDisabled()
            HtmlEdit userNameEdit = new HtmlEdit(bw);
            userNameEdit.SearchProperties.Add("id", "userName");
            userNameEdit.Text = "MyUserName";
            HtmlButton loginButton = new HtmlButton(bw);