How can I calculate the value of the arithmetic expression 𝑖^2 + 3i − 1 that is dependent on the index i by using pass-by-name mechanism in C language
∑ i^2 + 3i − 1
through a call to a sum procedure with argument(s) passed by name
Pass by name examples written in C could also help me
I have done such a solution as following it works but I am not sure whether it works with pass-by-name or not, Could you comment my solution?
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
typedef int* (*intThunk)(void);
int* vSubiThunk(void){ return &i; }
int sum(intThunk i){
return (*i())* (*i()) + (*i() * 3) - 1 ;
int main(void){
int total = 0;
total += sum(vSubiThunk);
printf("%d \n",total);