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ABPersonViewController does not dismiss the keyboard

I have a strange thing happening in one of my applications.

I am presenting an ABPersonViewController within an UINavigationController.
The code is pretty straight forward:

ABAddressBookRef book = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, NULL);
ABRecordRef person = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID (book, recordID);

ABPersonViewController *view = [[ABPersonViewController alloc] init];
view.addressBook = book;
view.displayedPerson = person;
view.allowsActions = NO;                
[self.navigationController pushViewController:view animated:YES];

If the user taps on Notes field - the keyboard will show.

Now if "Back" button is pressed, the view is dismissed, but the keyboard is still being displayed. It's like no responder was called to dismiss it (although I don't think this is the case).

I have checked in phone Contacts app - but this is not happening.

Am I missing something?


  • ABPersonViewController is deprecated in iOS 9, replaced by the ContactsUI framework. This is what you should use if your minimum iOS version is iOS 9.