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Weighted Median bootstrap

Currently I am obtaining 95% CI on the median by using this

        bootmed = apply(matrix(sample(x, rep=TRUE, 10^4*length(x)), nrow=10^4), 1, median)
    quantile(bootmed, c(.025, 0.975))[1]->a1
    quantile(bootmed, c(.025, 0.975))[2]->a2

the problem now is that i need to do this for a weighted Median. I use the weightedMedian function in the matrixStats package: matrixStats::weightedMedian

so I do not only have x with the numbers but also y with the weights (runif(100)) - so now I calculate


but how does the equivalent for the above bootstrap go?


  • The ... argument of the apply() function allows you to pass optional arguments to your function. Alternatively, you can also define a custom function. Assuming that your median weights are identical for all rows, the answer to your question looks like this:

    x <- rnorm(100)
    y <- rnorm(100)
    M <- matrix(sample(x, rep=TRUE, 10^4*length(x)), nrow=10^4)
    bootmed = apply(M, 1, weightedMedian, w=y)
    # Or, alternatively..
    bootmed = apply(M, 1, function(x) weightedMedian(x,y))