This is an extension to this question:
How to increment Cassandra Counter Column with phantom-dsl?
This question has also been asked here.
In Thiagos example the two tables; 'songs' & 'songs_by_artist' both have the same rows but with different partitions (primary keys / clustering columns)
CREATE TABLE test.songs (
song_id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY,
album text,
artist text,
title text
CREATE TABLE test.songs_by_artist (
artist text,
song_id timeuuid,
album text,
title text,
PRIMARY KEY (artist, song_id)
This means inserting, updating and deleting across both tables within the SongsService works with the same base data / rows.
How would you for example have a table such as 'artist_songs_counts', with columns 'song_id' (K) and 'num_songs' (++) and ensure that 'SongsService' adds corresponding row to each table; 'songs' & 'songs_by_artist' & 'artist_songs_counts' (where there are different numbers of row but information should be linked, such as the artist info).
CREATE TABLE test.artist_songs_counts (
artist text PRIMARY KEY,
num_songs counter);
extends ProductionDatabaseProvider
that gives to you an object called database
where you have access to tables under a certain database:
* Find songs by Id
* @param id
* @return
def getSongById(id: UUID): Future[Option[Song]] = {
Or even better, handling two tables at the same time:
* Save a song in both tables
* @param songs
* @return
def saveOrUpdate(songs: Song): Future[ResultSet] = {
for {
byId <-
byArtist <-
} yield byArtist
Since through a database
object you can access all tables that belongs to a specific Database, I would implement a counter for artist the following way:
def increment(artist: String): Future[ResultSet] = {
.where(_.artist eqs artist)
.modify(_.numSongs += 1)
Then the saveOrUpdate
method could be written as below:
def saveOrUpdate(song: Song): Future[ResultSet] = {
for {
byId <-
byArtist <-
counter <- database.artistSongsCounter.increment(song.artist)
} yield byArtist