I am trying to develop a OxMetrics code for a multinomial (or conditional) logit model (as described in http://data.princeton.edu/wws509/notes/c6s2.html). I am new to OxMetrics and still struggle to understand how the optimisation routine (MaxBFGS) works.
Any help is more than welcome!
//X = Independent variables (e.g. product features)
//Y = Dependent variable (i.e. discrete choices (0/1))
//N = Total number of individuals (N=500)
//T = Number of observations (choice tasks) per respondent (T=20)
//J = Number of products per task (J=2 => choice between two options)
//sv => starting values
//llik => model log-likelihood
LOGIT(const sv, const llik, X, Y, N, T, J)
decl num, den, prbj, prbi, maty;
num = reshape(exp(X*sv[0:6]), N*T, J);
den = sumr(num);
prbj = num ./ den;
maty = reshape(Y .== 1, N*T, J);
prbi = sumr(prbj .* maty);
llik[0] = -sumc(log(prbi));
return llik[0];
decl data, N, T, J, X, Y, sv, dFunc, fit;
data = loadmat("C:/Users/.../Data/data.csv");
X = data[][33] ~ data[][5:10];
Y = data[][12];
N = 500;
T = 20;
J = 2;
sv = <0;0;0;0;0;0;0>;
println ("\nEstimating using MaxBFGS");
fit = MaxBFGS(LOGIT, X=X, Y=Y, N=N, T=T, J=J, &sv, &dFunc, 0, TRUE);
println (MaxConvergenceMsg(fit), " at parameters ", sv', "with function value ", double(dFunc));
You should read the official MaxBFGS help (press "F1" on the function ) or here.
This function is declared as :
MaxBFGS(const func, const avP, const adFunc, const amInvHess, const fNumDer);
: function to maximizeavP
: input--> matrix of starting values, output -> final coefficients. So you should first store all your arguments that has to be optimized in a single matrix (your sv
variable) . amInvHess
: set to 0 to simple estimation.fNumDer
: set to 0:for analytical first derivatives and set to 1 to use numerical first derivatives.The function that has to be optimized must have the following prototype :
LOGIT(const vP, const adFunc, const avScore, const amHessian)
As a simple introduction you can have a look to the the following example (OxMetrics7\ox\samples\maximize\probit1.ox
) to estimate a probit model via MaxBFGS - it is documented in the official documentation "Introduction to Ox -Jurgen A. Doornik and Marius Ooms -2006").
// file : ...\OxMetrics7\ox\samples\maximize\probit1.ox
#include <oxstd.oxh>
#import <maximize>
decl g_mY; // global data
decl g_mX; // global data
// Possible improvements:
// 1) Use log(tailn(g_mX * vP)) instead of log(1-prob)
// in fProbit. This is slower, but a bit more accurate.
// 2) Use analytical first derivatives. This is a bit more robust.
// Add numerical computation of standard errors.
// 3) Use analytical second derivatives and Newton instead
// of Quasi-Newton (BFGS). Because the log-likelihood is concave,
// we don't really need the robustness of BFGS.
// 4) Encapsulate in a class to avoid global variables.
// 5) General starting value routine, etc. etc.
// probit2.ox implements (2)
// probit3.ox implements (4)
// probit4.ox implements (4) in a more general way
fProbit(const vP, const adFunc, const avScore,
const amHessian)
decl prob = probn(g_mX * vP); // vP is column vector
adFunc[0] = double(
meanc(g_mY .* log(prob) + (1-g_mY) .* log(1-prob)));
return 1; // 1 indicates success
decl vp, dfunc, ir;
print("Probit example 1, run on ", date(), ".\n\n");
decl mx = loadmat("data/finney.in7");
g_mY = mx[][0]; // dependent variable: 0,1 dummy
g_mX = 1 ~ mx[][3:4]; // regressors: 1, Lrate, Lvolume
delete mx;
vp = <-0.465; 0.842; 1.439>; // starting values
MaxControl(-1, 1, 1); // print each iteration
// maximize
ir = MaxBFGS(fProbit, &vp, &dfunc, 0, TRUE);
print("\n", MaxConvergenceMsg(ir),
" using numerical derivatives",
"\nFunction value = ", dfunc * rows(g_mY),
"; parameters:", vp);
Ps: you can use global variables for your X,Y,N,T,J..
variables and then improve your code (see probit2.ox, probit3.ox...)