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Abort: cannot apply a patch over an already active patch

I am using Source Tree as a Mercurial client.

I made changes and save them in Shelve. Now, I am unanble to unshelve them, get error:

abort: cannot apply a patch over an already active patch

What can I do now? How can I get my changes from shelve?

Command to unshelve: hg unshelve -y ui.merge=internal:merge edit-request-20160511

I've discard all pending changes, but it doesn't help


  • I've found possible solution.

    As I understand, In shelve I have changed file. After shelving it, I have made to this file another changes which is commited. And because of it, I am unable to unshelve changes now.

    But I've tried to update repository to commit from which I've created my shelve. After it I was able to unshelve changes.