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Get parent of the parent of div

I have searched and tried many things to do this such as closest() and parents() and parent() and find() But i couldnt make it to work at all .

I have this html

<div  class='message_holder area2 user45 chatid32'>
    <a class='avatar' title='jhon'>
       <img height='28px' width = '28px' src="link to image" />
 <div class='flag_holder'>
    <div class='edited  png32'></div>
    <div class='  png32'></div>
 <div class='message user_chat'> hghgghgh</div>
 <div class='like_holder'>
    <div class='chattime'>02-12 22:16</div>
    <div class='likepng'></div>
    <div class='likescore'>5</div>
    <div class='unlikescore'>0</div>
    <div class='unlikepng'></div>
    <div class="like">
        <div class="editpng"></div>
        <div class="deletepng"></div>

So what i want is when i click on on div class deletepng i want to remove the two divs unlikepng and likepng .

this js

 $(document).on ("click", ".deletepng", function () {
      $this = $(this);
     //alert( $this.closest(".like").html());  I could just make this to work
     // alert( $this.parents(".like_holder").html());  wont work
     // alert( $this.closest(".like_holder").html());  wont work
     // alert( $this.parent().parent().html());  wont work
     // alert( $this.closest(".like_holder").find(".like_holder").html()); wont work

I just wonder why they dont work those my trying . Where it can be my mistake ?


i dont know if this have a role or not , i have what i tried inside Dialog box like that

 $(document).on ("click", ".deletepng", function () { 
 $this = $(this);
 $('<div>' + c_delete + '</div>').dialog({
  resizable: false,
  buttons: {
    "Yes": function() {
      chat_text_h.html('<div class="removed"> Removed</div>'); // do something here

      //alert( $this.closest(".like").html());  I could just make this to work
      // alert( $this.parents(".like_holder").html());  wont work
      // alert( $this.closest(".like_holder").html());  wont work
      // alert( $this.parent().parent().html());  wont work
      // alert( $this.closest(".like_holder").find(".like_holder").html()); wont work


  • use closest then use the second argument as the context.

    $(document).on("click", ".deletepng", function() {
      var $holder = $(this).closest('.like_holder');
      $('.likepng, .unlikepng', $holder).remove();
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class='message_holder area2 user45 chatid32'>
      <a class='avatar' title='jhon'>
        <img height='28px' width='28px' src="link to image" />
      <div class='flag_holder'>
        <div class='edited  png32'></div>
        <div class='  png32'></div>
      <div class='message user_chat'>hghgghgh</div>
      <div class='like_holder'>
        <div class='chattime'>02-12 22:16</div>
        <div class='likepng'>like</div>
        <div class='likescore'>5</div>
        <div class='unlikescore'>0</div>
        <div class='unlikepng'>unlike</div>
        <div class="like">
          <div class="editpng"></div>
          <div class="deletepng">delete</div>


    Since your update, you need to set a global variable to remember $this or the container/holder. try this:-

    var $holder;
    $(document).on("click", ".deletepng", function() {
      $holder = $(this).closest('.like_holder');
      $('<div>' + c_delete + '</div>').dialog({
        resizable: false,
        buttons: {
          "Yes": function() {
            chat_text_h.html('<div class="removed"> Removed</div>');
            $('.likepng, .unlikepng', $holder).remove();