why espeak can't read long line phrase?
text = "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
os.system('.\\espeak.exe %(text)s' % locals())
and I have only "Do...", same here:
os.system(".\\espeak.exe \'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?\' ")
what I have to do?
I tried following way and it works for me. I am using Windows 2013
and Python 2.7
We need to join words with '_' (underscore). Somehow the word separation using blank space seems to cause problem.
text = "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" #Your original text
text = text.replace(" ", "_") #join words with underscore
os.system('.\\espeak.exe %(text)s' % locals()) #speak words
EDIT Actually following works better than just introducing special characters like "," or "_" in between words.
From eSpeak site
-g Word gap. This option inserts a pause between words. The value is the length of the pause, in units of 10 mS (at the default speed of 170 wpm).
Here's working code:
text = 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'
text = text.replace(' ', '_')
os.system('.\\espeak.exe -g 20 %(text)s' % locals())