So I'm impoting a 80000+ lines .cvs files to a MySQL database, using Import CVS via LOAD DATA in phpMyAdmin, and it seems to work fine, there are no error messages.
Problem is, ater the import, all lines in the table, starting with line 24002 have the same number in one of my database fields, and this number doesn't even exist in the .cvs file I import.
Take this as an example:
|id |num 1 |num 2 |
|1 |03040304 |22222 |
|2 |03040305 |22223 |
|3 |03040306 |22224 |
|... |... |... |
|24001 |03064304 |46222 |
|24002 |21777777 |46223 | <- 21777777 doesn't exist in my .cvs file
|24003 |21777777 |46224 |
|... |... |... |
I tried different things, but nothing helped:
This is an example line from the .cvs file:
"SOME NAME";"18/10/2004";"8250";"2157002001";"239423";"Done";"Name SURNAME"
There are no special characters involved, only a-z, A-Z and 0-9.
I have absolutely no clue where this error could come from, any ideas?
Thanks in advance
What is the definition for the "num 1" field in the database? Is it an int because the max value of an int is 2,147,483,647 which is less than 2,157,002,001.