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Using SimpleXML to read the last tag ID

I need to append new tags to a XML file and I can achieve this by using this code:

$file = 'xml/config.xml';

$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);

$galleries = $xml->examples;

$gallery = $galleries->addChild('Example');
$gallery->addChild('ExampleID', '123');
$gallery->addChild('ExampleText', 'this is text');
$gallery->addChild('ExampleDate', '23/12/1234');


My problem is the ID.
Basically I need to get the last ExampleID and increment it to the new Example tag.

How can I achieve this?


This is the XML structure:

    <ExampleText>this is text</ExampleText>
    <ExampleText>this is the secont text</ExampleText>


  • You can use XPath last() to find the last <Example> element, and then return the corresponding <ExampleID> child :


    Alternatively, you can find the maximum ExampleID, as mentioned in the other answer :

    //ExampleID[not(. < //ExampleID)]

    Demo : (

    $raw = <<<XML
        <ExampleText>this is text</ExampleText>
        <ExampleText>this is the secont text</ExampleText>
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($raw);
    $lastID = (string)$xml->xpath("//Example[last()]/ExampleID")[0];
    echo $lastID;

    Output :
