I'm new to iOS programming (learning with Swift) and recently got interested into Master Detail Applications, as the current chapter of the book I'm learning with is about it, too.
I noticed that my book seems to be a little too old, because Xcode's template for Master Detail Apps brings in a Split View Controller while the template in the book still uses just a Navigation Controller as the initial ViewController:
(Template from Xcode)
(Template from the book)
What I would like to do is place a "+" button in the toolbar of the Master View Controller that then triggers a full screen popup of another ViewController inside the Detail View Controller. See the contacts app as a reference, where exactly this happens if you run it in landscape on an iPad or iPhone Plus:
(Example from the contacts app)
In the example of the book, there just was the "+" added to the toolbar, and a segue added from it to the new View Controller, but it's not as easy with Xcode's new template. How can I make such a popover in the Detail View, but initiated by a button in the Master View?
Starting with the default MD template:
Remove addButton
code from MasterViewController
’s viewDidLoad
Create an add button for the master in the storyboard and link it to a MasterViewController
Create a segue from your detail controller to the one you want to use as an overlay and give it a name.
Create a method in the detail controller that performs that segue.
func displayOverlay() {
print("perform a segue here to the required controller")
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("overlay", sender: self)
@IBAction func detailAdd(sender: AnyObject) {
if let dvc : DetailViewController = detailViewController {
} else {
print("Oops...no detail controller")
You will have to do extra work if you want the animation styles that you're showing, but this should get you the basic controller connections.