How can one activate Hadoop and YARN profiles while building Spark on Windows (8-10) with SBT?
>sbt package
The above code works, but could not activate profiles with the following:
>sbt -Pyarn package
I'm asking, because mvn
is exceptionally slow compared to SBT. I have experience building Spark on Linux using both SBT and Maven.
You have to use ./build/sbt
script bundled with Spark source distribution. It calls another script sbt-launch-lib.bash
that does some profile-related magic:
enableProfile () {
dlog "[enableProfile] arg = '$1'"
maven_profiles=( "${maven_profiles[@]}" "$1" )
export SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES="${maven_profiles[@]}"
On the other side, project definition SparkBuild
extends PomBuild
, that allows usage of Maven project (including profiles):
override val profiles = {
val profiles = Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES") match {
So it should work if you run it like this (using Cygwin):
sh build/sbt -Pyarn package
Nevertheless, it didn't work for me out of the box because of incorrect discovery of path to sbt-launch-lib.bash
. So I've replaced in build\sbt
one line:
. "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"/sbt-launch-lib.bash
. "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"/build/sbt-launch-lib.bash