I am looking to have a customized progress bar whose progress changes via a custom animation. I will have quite a number of instances of this widget and all of them should run smoothly and fast.
My first attempt was to use a regular QProgressBar
, customize it by using a stylesheet and then using QPropertyAnimation
to animate the change in status.
This works fine but is extremely slow. Say, I start my animation at a value of 0% and go up to 50% and want this to be accomplished during a duration of 500 msec. It is not smooth at all, but there are three clearly distinguishable steps. If I drop the stylesheet, it will work smoothly enough.
Well, what seems to work fine is using a derived class of QProgressBar, it is much faster than using stylesheets, although I have to custom-adjust the width and height:
void ColorBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QRect region = pe->rect();
QPainter painter(this);
QColor borderColor;
QColor lightColor = QColor(255, 255, 255);
QColor darkColor = QColor(225, 225, 225);
int barHeight = static_cast<int>(height() * 1. / 4. + 0.5);
QRect drawRect(0, static_cast<int>(height() / 2. - barHeight / 2. + 0.5), width() * .9 * value() / maximum(), barHeight);
QLinearGradient g(drawRect.topLeft(), drawRect.bottomLeft());
g.setColorAt(0., lightColor);
g.setColorAt(1., darkColor);
Animating this bar is then straightforward and fast:
QPropertyAnimation* x = new QPropertyAnimation(percentageBar, "value");
Still open for feedback or better solutions!