i want to make a struct where i declare different positions. I have many nodes which always use the same positions so instead of typing every time the same x-values and y-values i would like to just type positions.p1.
private struct Positions {
let P1 = myGameScene.frame.size.width * 0.05
let P2 = myGameScene.frame.size.width * 0.15
Now i get the error: Instance member frame cannot be used on type myGameScene.
myGameScene is a SKScene.
If i try self. instead of myGameScene i get the error: Value of type NSObject -> () -> myGameScene has no member frame.
Need help :-(
It does work
class MyGameScene: SKScene { }
let myGameScene = MyGameScene()
struct XPositions {
let x0 = myGameScene.frame.size.width * 0.05
let x1 = myGameScene.frame.size.width * 0.15
However let me say it's a weird way to solve the problem infact:
Why don't you just add a computed property to your scene?
class MyGameScene: SKScene {
lazy var positions: [CGFloat] = {
let factors: [CGFloat] = [0.15, 0.05]
return factors.map { $0 * self.frame.size.width }