I'm building a Framework, originally named Iris.
When trying to publish it as a Cocoapod I found out that there is an "Iris" framework already.
And while they have completely diferent purposes and authors, I cannot publish it as a pod with this name. So I did the unthinkable!
I tried renaming the whole thing to IrisKit.
My Xcode project, now named IrisKit, has 6 targets:
3 Framework targets
- IrisKit iOS
- IrisKit tvOS
- IrisKit macOS
3 Example Projects
- IrisKit Example iOS
- IrisKit Example tvOS
- IrisKit Example macOS
Unfortunatly, my Example projects won't let me import IrisKit with an error that states:
warning: file 'FeedTableViewController.swift' is part of module 'IrisKit'; ignoring import
What's a developer to do?
Backup your project, or if you're under source control, create a new branch and work from there.
Here are the steps taken:
1. Renamed the Project in the project's "Identity and Type"
2. Renamed Schemes to IrisKit
3. Renamed Folders and Groups to IrisKit
4. Updated the info.plist references under Build-Settings > Packaging
5. Updated the Bundle Identifiers under Build-Settings > Packaging
6. Updated the Public Header to IrisKit.h
7. Updated Example projects import to IrisKit
8. Updated Dependency Management:
- Swift Package Manager
- Cocoapods specs
9. Finally, and good lord this is important:
Targets that are not meant to be built with the framework, must have a different product name than the Framework they use. e.g. An Example Project that showcases the framework
It may sound obvious, but can be easy to miss when mass renaming things
The framework with the same name for multiple build targets:
And the Example target. Notice that the name is different from the framework targets.
Took me a while to figure this one out. Hope it helps.