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Where to create my objects in a windows form app?

I'm trying to create an object in my windows form app but if I create it in the constructor, then I can't access it in the entire app...(Like the events) In the code below the Time1 isn't available. I'll be happy to hear from you...

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ClockApp
    public partial class ClockApp : Form
        public ClockApp()
            ClockApp Time1 = new ClockApp();

        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void ClockApp_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ClockApp Time1 = new ClockApp();
            Time1.getHour = Convert.ToInt16(txtHour.Text);
            Time1.getMin = Convert.ToInt16(txtMin.Text);
            Time1.getSec = Convert.ToInt16(txtSec.Text);
            if(rbUniversal.Checked == true)
            }else if(rbStandard.Checked == true)
                lblTime.Text = "NOT Working...";

The code below is my class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ClockApp
    public partial class ClockApp : Form
        // Fields
        private int Hour;
        private int Min;
        private int Sec;

        // Properties
        public int getHour
                return Hour;
                if(value > 23 && value < 0)
                    Hour = 23;
                    Hour = value;
        public int getMin
                return Min;
                if(value > 59 && value < 0)
                    Min = 59;
                    Min = value;
        public int getSec
                return Sec;
                if(value > 59 && value < 0)
                    Sec = 59;
                    Sec = value;

        // Constructors

        // Methods
        // ToUniversal()
        public void ToUniversal()
            lblTime.Text = Hour.ToString() + ":" + Min.ToString() + ":" + Sec.ToString();

        // ToStandard()
        public void ToStandard()
            if(Hour > 12)
                int[] Modifier = new int[12];
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    Modifier[i] = i + 13;
                    if (Hour == Modifier[i])
                        Hour = i+1;
                        lblAMPM.Text = "PM";

                lblTime.Text = Hour.ToString() + ":" + Min.ToString() + ":" + Sec.ToString();
                lblAMPM.Text = "AM";
                lblTime.Text = Hour.ToString() + ":" + Min.ToString() + ":" + Sec.ToString();


    • You dont need to create a new instance of ClockApp in the constructor.
      • Remove that line.
    • The field (or whatever) 'Time1' is not needed. Remove 'Time1.' completely form your code:
      • Time1.getHour = Convert.ToInt16(txtHour.Text); => getHour = Convert.ToInt16(txtHour.Text);
      • Time1.ToUniversal(); => ToUniversal();
      • and so on.

    That should make your code at least compilable.


    • value > 23 && value < 0 is always false. You have to use || instead of &&.
    • same for value > 59 && value < 0

    Code conventions:

    I know you just starting with c#, but please check the common coding convention to improve the readabilty:

    • Properties: first letter is capitalized
    • Fiels: first letter is not capitalized
    • Do not start you propery name with 'get'. Just Hour, Min or Sec is perfect.