I added a few radio buttons to a GUI I'm working on in Python 3 using ttk, but there is a white square around them which doesn't match the blue background of the rest of the GUI.
I've tried background= ...
, foreground= ...
, bg= ...
, fg= ...
, and a few other things in ttk.Radiobutton()
. It works fine with labels and other things... what am I missing?
ttk doesn't support arguments such as "background", "foreground", "font" on its Radiobutton, but it does support styles. Example code (python 3.4):
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
root = Tk() # Main window
myColor = '#40E0D0' # Its a light blue color
root.configure(bg=myColor) # Setting color of main window to myColor
s = ttk.Style() # Creating style element
s.configure('Wild.TRadiobutton', # First argument is the name of style. Needs to end with: .TRadiobutton
background=myColor, # Setting background to our specified color above
foreground='black') # You can define colors like this also
rb1 = ttk.Radiobutton(text = "works :)", style = 'Wild.TRadiobutton') # Linking style with the button
rb1.pack() # Placing Radiobutton
root.mainloop() # Beginning loop