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Replace multiple text in Range

I want to replace multiple text / punctuation marks for example

"," with " "

"'s" with " "

, 's are Extra text which I do not need for next step.

Replace method can change only one time

Is there any other way to replace multiple text from the following sentence?

"Aabar remains focused on Abu Dhabi’s plans expansion, In Dubai ahead of Expo 2020"

Replace works with , but 's is still there.

Sub make_range_replace_string()
Dim R As Range
Dim F As String
    selection.Find.Font.Bold = True
    With selection.Find
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
    End With
    If selection.Find.Found Then
   Set R = ActiveDocument.Range(selection.Range.Start, selection.Range.End)

   F = Replace(R, ",", "") 

   MsgBox F

Exit Do
End If

End Sub


  • Doug Glancey is correct, just use ’ instead of ' though. In other words; use the Replace-function multiple times.

    Dim F As String
    F = "Aabar remains focused on Abu Dhabi’s plans expansion, In Dubai ahead of Expo 2020"
    F = Replace(F, ",", " ")
    F = Replace(F, "`s", " ")
    F = Replace(F, "’s", " ")
    F = Replace(F, "'s", " ")
    F = Replace(F, Chr(39) & "s", " ")
    F = Replace(F, Chr(96) & "s", " ")
    MsgBox F